Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hey, dj, this is for you!

I have a confession to make. The post that DJ posted a while ago(Wednesday, March 14, 2007, Mr Bean Learns a Lesson, We Hope...) got a comment from an anonymous guy who, strangly enough, didn't tell us his name. Well folks, that anonymous guy is about to reveal his identity; (drum roll) me, Stephen Morse Adams. And I'm not sorry about what I wrote; however 'The DJ' was right about what he said to my comment, I should have put my name to it in the first place and taken my licks then. But since I am now in Georga, dj will have to wait untill I come back to get me back. Just remind me to hide my valubles when I do:-)


Cheech said...

I am glad you posted that comment,Stephen. I think quite a few of us felt the same way.

Booker said...

You have truly inherited the ability of your mother and your aunts...

Aaron said...


Stephen said...

what does that mean dj?